Hidden in Plain Sight—People with Nonprime Credit Are the New Middle Class
We’ve heard a lot lately about the shrinking middle class. Despite an economy with the highest level of corporate profits in years and...
Four Major Trends That Are Changing the Retirement Planning and Advising Landscape: Part 2
In a previous post, I discussed the first two of four major trends that are changing how many people think about retirement, are planning...
The New Retirement Reality
A new study from the Aegon Center for Longevity and Retirement mirrors the findings of the recent Questis white paper on the rapidly...
Working Longer Is Likely a Necessity for Most People in Retirement: Part 1
With Americans’ documented lack of retirement savings, it’s no surprise that most people are planning to work past 62, the age at which...
The Retirement Crisis Is Already Here
The concept of retirement has changed dramatically in the decades since the introduction of the 401(k), which has transformed the way...