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Once we set our business goals for our wellness program, GoalPath, we realized almost immediately that we needed a technology partner to help us reach them. In our search, we kept running into "turn-key" solutions that couldn't adapt to do what we wanted to do, how we wanted to do it. Ultimately, we chose Questis because they are different. Their configurable platform helped us create a wellness program that fits our business model and works with and for us, rather than forcing a round peg into a square hole."

Marko Ungashick



Our entire approach has been focused on changing employee behaviors to improve their financial well-being. We knew we needed a solution that was designed from the outset with the same purpose in mind. We believe we have found that solution with the financial wellness application developed by Questis. We have developed a customized version of their technology as the platform to support our financial wellness approach and more effectively deliver all of our services."


Kent Allison

PwC, Former Partner


Financial wellness means something different to each person and their starting point is not always the same. First we need employees to understand the programs value and desired results, which is why we’ve spent the time and energy in our approach to onboarding. We want them to hear it from their bosses and peers. We want them to be excited and eager to get going. We want them to sign up knowing full well that this isn’t just another check the box benefit. It is, we believe, a new way to think about and proactively manage your financial life.”


Matt Escalante

TCG Advisors


Since most people rely heavily on defined contribution plans for retirement income, we need to do whatever we can to help people proactively understand their financial situations and act accordingly and Questis is an integral component of our plan to do just that. I’m so glad to have found such an aligned and passionate partner in Questis.”

Evan Hirsh, AIF®

HB Retirement


Questis allows us to be up to date with any actions taken by our participants. Whether its the chat feature being used for quick questions or the addition of a new user and completion of the assessment. The system allows our relationship to be that much closer. One of the biggest tools that have become a necessity when working with participants is goals. We find that most people have accrued debt over the years for whatever situation they have encountered. The goal-setting feature allows us to be able to tell a hard-working individual exactly when they could be completely debt-free if all things stay the same. 63% of people cannot cover a $1000 emergency, but with the goal feature, we are able to prevent participants from becoming part of that statistic. Questis has made it easy to empower people with the knowledge they deserve, which in turn helps create a plan and increase financial wellness."

Brandon Cutler

Mentor, Financial Elements



Questis powers PwC's financial wellness offering which has been implemented internally to PwC employees and externally to several of their enterprise corporate clients.


Delivering highly personalized solutions and results, GRP uses Questis’ technology to provide state-of-the-art, configured financial wellness programs for their firms, their plans and participants within them. With an open and collaborative participant experience, GRP plans to scale intelligently and power real change.


With Questis, Resources launched Financial Elements to their affiliates, sponsors, and participants. With hands-on mentoring and personalized experiences, they are leading in financial health. 


GoalPATH is a holistic suite of planning, financial wellness, and asset management tools designed to help participants achieve unique retirement goals. Focused on delivering outcomes, GoalPATH is available to deliver in a turnkey, easy to offer package for both retirement plan sponsors and advisors on those plans.


Powered by Questis, Lincoln offers WellnessPATH, a financial wellness program that helps retirement plan sponsors improve financial wellness for their employees.


Where do you want your financial life to take you? Questis powers Financial Fitness For Life’s robust financial wellness programs for employers that emphasize participant-centered coaching combined with technology to meet every participant where they are.

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For Mentoro, industry education is key in changing the way we think about financial health.

By working with Questis, Mentoro is leading the charge to make this necessary vision a reality.


Washington Financial believes in helping plan participants thrive and in running a profitable business. By driving positive financial outcomes for people and identifying leads, Questis helps them do both.


Procyon is dedicated to creating an exceptional experience for their plan sponsors and participants. Partnering with Questis provides a better experience for to manage participant interactions.


TCG manages thousands of educators' retirement accounts. With Questis, they're able to reach these teachers, give them the resources they need, and encourage progress in a hands-on, personal way.  

A distinct gap exists between financial problems and actionable solutions for participants and plan sponsors. HB is determined to fill this void and uses Questis' technology to do so. 


Financial wellness is about more than retirement. It is integral in helping people reach their financial goals. Questis fuels this mission and scales their ability to help participants.


For Vision Point, it’s not just about the plan, it’s about the results. To that end, they always keep their client top of mind. Vision Point chooses Questis to provide a customized and scalable experience for their advisors and for their participants.

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With tools to make every part of your process successful and a support team excited to help you, getting started with financial wellness has never been easier.


Retention Rate


Advisors who invest in tech expect to grow their annual revenues by 10% or more over the next 3 to 5 years."


Participant Reach

*Investment News - Digital DNA 2.0

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